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Chappel Beer Festivals
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Chappel Beer Festivals FAQ

DOGS (and other pets) 
Dogs are allowed, providing they are well behaved, controlled, any mess cleaned up, and are not spoiling the enjoyment of others.

Live Music
Always a hard one this. The event will only be held in one shed again. This means floor space is a premium in the case of bad weather. On survey, about 50% of people like the music, and think it adds to the event, and 50% really hate it. Those who want it then split into different musical genre tastes. Until we can have two separate under-cover drinking areas, it is probably best to say no music this year, but keeping this under review.

We do allow children and those under 18 into the event. We do not charge admission for under 18s, and they will not require a ticket. However, we do need to make some rules. A strict policy of no alcohol will be sold to, purchased by, purchased for or consumed by a person under 18. All under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult ticket holder. Children must be supervised by parents at all times, and not causing a hazard to themselves or others.

Non-Beer & Cider drinks
There will selection of Wines and soft drinks available.